Now back to inspiration Saturday....
This is my friend Kelly- I met Kelly through Tom and have been inspired by watching her weight loss journey via facebook. Hope you will be inspired too!
Have you ever struggled with your weight? How did you overcome it?
Yes I have struggled with my weight! I have 3 kids and each pregnancy I kept weight on. I decided August 2011 to join Weight Watchers. It took me 8 months to reach my goal weight and then 6 weeks after that to become life time. I lost a total of 50 lbs!
Life long habits: exercising, eating less and drinking less sweet tea and soda! I started off by walking and now I'm training for a 1/2 marathon! The hardest part for me has been to keep it off. It's easy to fall back in to old patterns. Looking at old pictures keeps me motivated to keep it off. I also want to be the best Mom I can and to stay active with my three boys!
Favorite meals or snacks?
My favorite snacks are apple slices. I eat whatever everyone else is eating...the key is portion size!
What advice would you give people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle? My advice is " Yes, it is hard work but it is SO worth the reward! " I was a size 16 and now a 4/6!

Your friend Kelly's weight loss mirrors mine - same weight loss amount in same amount of time and through the WW program. I can vouch that you can eat what everyone else eats, you just learn to modify amounts, how often, etc. They switched out some pictures at work and my old one is being kept for motivation to never return to the bigger size, but that picture won't be out in plain sight, LOL!